
What is awareness?

If copywriting is the art of crafting your commercial messaging so it effectively conveys your value proposition to your target audience, then our Go to Market service activates it by actually taking that messaging and putting it out there in the world: where and how your messaging appears, on what channels and media, and how you get it out there so that your ICP has some chance of actually encountering it.


In a word, we are talking about awareness – making your ICP aware that you exist. That is half the battle. If they are aware, and you have a compelling value proposition, we can expect to build some traction over time.

There are many ways to raise awareness of your commercial offering, but here is a cheat sheet you can refer to when thinking of ways to make people aware of your compelling new technology or service:

  • Attendance at conferences and networking events
  • Developing ecosystem partnerships
  • Paid advertising and digital marketing
  • Organic search
  • Earned media
  • Cold-calling and other cold approaches (electronic communications)
  • Trade press and articles
  • Speaking engagements and webinars
  • Newsletters
  • Social media content
  • Social media influencers and natural referencing
  • Networkers, influencers and connectors in your network
  • Industry directories and review sites, bios and supplier profiles
  • Tenders sites
  • Industrial trade organizations
  • Government trade missions
  • Word of mouth

This last item is by far the most powerful, and in some cases can by itself drive a certain amount of organic growth. However, it is not deterministic and leaves things to chance. At some point, you will to take the reigns and inject some predictability into commercial expansion.

How we work

We can help with many of these points, and we’re especially comfortable with technical offerings targeting c-suite executives in North America. 

Contact us to see if we can tailor something for your specific requirements.